Yoga Journal- November 2002

‘Yoga4Partners’ with Brenda Strong and Tom Henri – OUR SOLITARY daily yoga practice can sometimes get lonely. At such times it’s nice to partner up and work with a spouse, friend or colleague – provided you both can keep the gossiping to a minimum. Here is a sweet , 25-minute session for two partners that, by my count, includes 15 simple paired excercises or yoga asana. Each excersise or asana represents, and is named as, some admirable quality or qualitieslearned from the cooperative effort, which can then, according to the teacher’s premise, be applied to everyday life. For example, a linked-arms, leaning-back excercise, teaches “trusting and letting-go”, and a knee-to-knee, assisted seated twist teaches “respecting limitations”. Strong, a Southern California teacher, and her partner, Henri, have produced a relatively mild, straight-forward practice that emphasizes both self-and other- awareness. They are excellent models, performing the work with compatible grace and harmony.