Tag fertility

Tag fertility

– ARRIVING IN 2017 –

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We are so excited to announce the upcoming launch of the expanded and comprehensive fertility       program.

For those of you unable to join us in person in Los Angeles, this online course will give you the   opportunity to experience this program in the comfort of your own home.

For more info visit: soulfulconceptions.com.

Note: we are seeking beta testers for the initial launch of the program. To learn more, email   connect@livinglela.com.

Struggle…is What I Need?

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For months and months while trying to get pregnant, experiencing two miscarriages and then finally during the healthy pregnancy of my son, I would see butterflies. White butterflies to be exact. They were there all the time, all around me. Sometimes it would just be one, fluttering and bouncing about, as if it were teasing me or trying to get close enough to tell me a secret. Other times, it would be two white butterflies turning over and over one another.  They acted as though they were children romping around in the coolest, most magical playground ever; or maybe they were two lovers dancing happily to their favorite song. Either way, I always noticed.

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Finding Peace Even When Life Is Giving You Lemons

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This time of year is, in general, more stressful for most, even if you enjoy the holiday season. But when you’re also trying to navigate the challenges of getting pregnant when your body is not cooperating, the ability to find your equanimity will likely be put to the test. Seeing children and pregnant family members or friends may have an even sharper edge right now. So when it’s your turn at the dinner table to speak about what you’re thankful for or find your holiday “joy” – how will you respond? Read More

Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund

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On Saturday November 16th, I spent the evening at Feit 4 KidZ Fertility Loan Fund gala where Dr. Robert Boostanfar from HRC Fertility was being honored. This event was the first annual benefit dinner and a program for the Jewish Free Loan Association of Los Angeles. Read More

The Power of Connection: When Does 1 + 1 = 3?

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If I were to ask you the sum of 1 + 1, what would your answer be?

More traditional math and physics teaches us that “1 + 1 can only equal 2.” But when the world is seen through the lens of quantum physics, it now becomes a place where greater possibilities for connection and change exist; when the combination of energies, effort, talents and resources are more than just the sum of their parts. It is also known as Synergy. Read More