$695 (with accommodations); $495 (without accommodations). To register, use special code “RSY4F” to strongyoga4fertility@gmail.comSpend an engaging, fun and life-affirming weekend on a serene stretch of the Pacific Ocean led by four experts in the field of fertility. Learn the Four Fields of Fertility©, how your body, breath and emotions impact stress & conception.
Reserve Your Spot Download the Flyer Meet the Course Instructors2 days of Strong Yoga®4Fertility
Strong Yoga®4Partners
Recreational Activities
Breathe to Conceive©
Fertility Nutrition Guidelines
Q&A with Fertility Experts
'2 Week Wait' and other specific protocols
Strong Yoga®4Fertility Ball Method set
Coping techniques & stress reduction tools
Access to world class spa
Natural practices to enhance fertility
Complete Strong Yoga® 3-DVD set
Early-bird rate for single or couples, if received by August 8th:
Registration fee: $1595
If after August 8th: $1725
Registration is now open for this upcoming retreat. Due to limited space, please reserve your spot with a non-refundable deposit of $500, as soon as possible.
Registration can either be paid by check or via paypal.com. If paying via paypal.com, send the amount to STRONGYOGA4FERTILITY@GMAIL.COM.
If sending a check, please make payable to:
STRONG YOGA, C/O Brenda Strong
4821 Lankershim Blvd, Suite F, PMB 296
North Hollywood, CA 91601