

Yoga Day, USA

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Yoga means “yoke” or “union” in Sanskrit

The practice of yoga is designed to remind us of our essential nature, which is joy. When we are out of “alignment” physically, we suffer discomfort and dis-ease. The health of the spine is crucial to our sense of vitality and longevity and the practice of hatha yoga is a wonderful way to maintain the flexibility and strength of the spine, while engaging the nervous system housed there in. The practice of yoga helps us to keep the body supple, the heart open and the mind quiet. Quiet enough to tune inward to the real union in the word yoga, the union of self with the Source of life itself. Read More

Awakening the Divine Feminine

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We as women do it all.  We support, we give, we generate, we work, we clean, we organize, and we love.  If reading this leaves you feeling like a deflated balloon after the party, it should. We give so much of ourselves, there isn’t much left for us.  And we generally beat ourselves up for not doing more! In truth, it isn’t about doing less it’s reframing HOW we are doing it.  Is how we are living our lives generating joy, fulfillment and serving us?  If not, then it’s not working. Read More

Cultivating Compassion

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How do we cultivate compassion for ourselves? The secret lies in forgiveness.

Life isn’t perfect.  Or perhaps it is, but we don’t see it that way.  Let’s say that life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, and when it doesn’t, that’s when the critical mind jumps in and says, “It shouldn’t be this way!”  Then we get upset because it’s “not going right”, it’s not matching the picture in our mind of how life “should” be.  In these times when there is a fundamental gap between our idea of how life should go and how life IS going, we judge it as wrong.  Read More

Feelings and Stress

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Last month’s blog was about learning to breathe.  By allowing some space between you and your stress, you are beginning to learn that stress isn’t what happens to you, it’s your reaction to what happens to you! This can be a profound distinction for most of us.  Especially when dealing with reproductive difficulties. So if you are feeling stressed, you are not alone, this is difficult to deal with, but not insurmountable. Read More

Strong Yoga®4Fertility 4-week Workshop: February 1 – 22

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Four Fields of Fertility© Workshop

Saturdays, 1:15-4:15 pm, February 1 – 22, 2014

Sherman Oaks, CA


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Join other women trying to conceive and learn how to support your body, mind and your emotions in a nurturing and safe environment.

This series will be co-taught by Strong Yoga® Ambassador and lead teacher, Wendy Obstler, and Strong Yoga® certified teacher, Dr. Deborah Anderson. Strong Yoga®4Fertility Ball Method is a proprietary approach to yoga for fertility. This program uses the ancient healing wisdom of yoga and applies it to the modern issue of reproductive difficulty. Read More