Sessions that are engaging, fun and life-affirming; led by experts in the field of fertility. Learn the Four Fields of Fertility© – how your body, breath and emotions impact stress and conception. Read More
Sessions that are engaging, fun and life-affirming; led by experts in the field of fertility. Learn the Four Fields of Fertility© – how your body, breath and emotions impact stress and conception. Read More
7 Rules for How to Play “The Fertility Game”
There are no guarantees in life. As humans, we like to stack the odds in our favor – make the “right” choices, avert pain and have things go “our way”. And when life deals us a different hand than the one we expected, we can either walk away from the table or go all in and play the hand we’ve been dealt, knowing we may come out transformed by the experience in a way we didn’t choose, but because we played, we are better for the experience. Learning to embrace our vulnerability through the fertility journey brings us some of the deepest lessons possible as a human being. That’s why we at Strong Yoga® are committed to empowering couples facing infertility. Learning the rules of the game will help you play a little more consciously and allow you to possibly discover more about yourself along the way.
If the “Game of Life” includes the roll of the dice that leaves you the one in seven couples that experience fertility challenges, its good to know how to play this particular game to win.
Here are some helpful hints from those who have gone before you and understand the complexities of “the game”.
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“I always considered myself a mother, I just didn’t have my baby yet.”
– Nicole Hobbs, Fertility Loan Recipient.
The 2nd Annual Feit 4 Kidz Fertility Fund Benefit Dinner is fast approaching. Emily and Alan Feit, along with Jewish Free Loan Association of Los Angeles are diligently working to make this event another night to remember. This year’s benefit dinner is Saturday, November 15th, 2014 at the Luxe Hotel in Brentwood. To date, The Feit 4 Kidz Fertility Fund has raised $522,500 and has provided 30 couples with interest free loans. There are babies cooking the oven and in the arms of new Moms and Dads. Read More
Generally speaking it falls upon the feminine energies to the cultivate gatherings, parties, and the family celebration events that surround the upcoming Winter months. This is true whether we are single, married, with or without children. The pressure of being Martha Stewart hovers over us like a carved jack-o-lantern, or a bundle of mistletoe saying “You aren’t DOING enough!”
If we take a cue from Mother Earth, as the Fall leaves start to turn color and the days get shorter, the vibrant energy of Summer begins to quiet and she invites us to turn inward toward BEING, in order to harvest our energies for the Winter months ahead. Read More
by Megan Murphy, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner
Fall has arrived. We see the leaves turning; we feel the crispness in the air. We may start to crave a hot cup of spicy tea steaming in our hands, or a bowl of homemade soup. The dark, cool, early evenings might inspire us to stay at home after work instead of going out. We find ourselves subtly beginning to change as nature itself is changing all around us. It feels as though this change is a long awaited respite from the drudgery of the lengthy, hot and active summer days. Read More
Four weekly 3 hour sessions that are engaging, fun and life-affirming; led by experts in the field of fertility. Learn the Four Fields of Fertility© – how your body, breath and emotions impact stress and conception. Read More
Four weekly 3 hour sessions that are engaging, fun and life-affirming; led by experts in the field of fertility. Learn the Four Fields of Fertility© – how your body, breath and emotions impact stress and conception. Read More
Did you make a list of New Year’s resolutions only to find yourself faltering a day or week later? You’re certainly not alone. Most people have great intentions as they put forth their lists, but it’s the follow-through that gets them. They give up before they have had a chance to create a new habit. Read More
The time between the Winter Solstice and New Year’s Day has long been held as a time of letting go of the old and preparing for the new. It serves as a formal reminder of the opportunity to practice this lesson, which is encapsulated in the chant of “AUM”. Read More
This time of year is, in general, more stressful for most, even if you enjoy the holiday season. But when you’re also trying to navigate the challenges of getting pregnant when your body is not cooperating, the ability to find your equanimity will likely be put to the test. Seeing children and pregnant family members or friends may have an even sharper edge right now. So when it’s your turn at the dinner table to speak about what you’re thankful for or find your holiday “joy” – how will you respond? Read More