Deborah Anderson, Ph D, RYT, SY4F

Deborah Anderson is a licensed psychologist (with specialties in Health Psychology and Neuropsychology) and a registered yoga teacher. Her professional and personal experiences have taught her that we have the power to profoundly change our lives by changing our minds. Her combined knowledge of psychology and yoga creates a unique perspective with which to approach clients in both practices. In her therapy practice she works with individuals and couples and uses a variety of therapeutic modalities, including mind-body medicine techniques (e.g., mindfulness, relaxation, visualization), and current research on neuroplasticity and neuroscience. Her goal is to help clients understand the underlying thoughts and emotions that create distress and dis-ease and to help them build a “tool kit for life” from which to reduce symptoms of stress and other physical/emotional pain. She has worked with individuals with a variety of presenting issues including depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and physical/health issues (including fertility challenges). In 2006, Dr. Anderson became a yoga teacher and turned her attentions toward Eastern practices of mind-body medicine, including yoga, meditation, Buddhist psychology, mindfulness, and other forms of energy medicine. She teaches individual and group yoga and meditation classes, and has specialized training in prenatal yoga and Strong Yoga®4Fertility. Dr. Anderson has numerous publications including five years of columns (“Couples Coach”) for Inside Weddings magazine and blogs on health and wellness. These articles and further information on her practice may be accessed at: and